So anyone who remotely knows me knows that it has always been my dream to live and work in New York. Not forever, as I could never permanently move away from the bay, but it would be great to live in the city until I get tired of it, or my mom drags me home. Whichever comes first. (Just kidding mom). I saw on Twitter where this social media company called The 7th Chamber needed an intern, I decided to give it a try. The description said that the intern should love social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc), be a recent college grad, and about 7 other characteristics that pretty much summed me up. Seeing as the other 500 cover letters I had written over the past couple of months had returned absolutely zero jobs, I decided it was time to break out of the professional mode that I had been told (during multiple classes, what a great use of my tuition money) would guarantee me a stellar job. I sent a quirky "5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me" email to the company, and I got a response within 30 minutes. From there a had a whirlwind 7 days of a few interviews and projects, and bam! I was offered the position. Enter freak out mode. Totally in shock, I was now tasked with finding an affordable short term furnished place to live in less than 1 week. This is almost impossible to do. I will spare you from the details of how crazy I went contacting everyone on earth, but, by the grace of God, (and help from Hunner) found a place to live 12 hours before I had to cancel my flight to get a refund. For the month of October, I am living with 4 wonderful girls (2 from Mobile, 1 from Auburn, 1 from Long Island). I am living in this room, which was featured in a magazine because one of my roommates is an incredible designer:

It looks a little bit different now, but it is awesome. So dad and I got on a plane with all my clothes in 2 bags, and headed up to NYC. He stayed with me from Saturday-Tuesday and helped me get oriented (and made sure I wasn't going to get lost, etc..). We went to see Spiderman (his choice) and I snuck a picture of the stage even though the aisle patrollers were very strict about the no camera policy:
It was actually really good, and now I have the songs stuck in my head constantly. My favorite part was probably watching all the little kid's faces while Spiderman was swinging around (and the grown men's faces for that matter).
When dad left, I was officially all on my own in a city of 5 million people! Luckily, I have been so busy I haven't had time to fret about being alone, and for this I am grateful , cause I sure do miss everyone! I ride the subway to work and I walk everywhere. Which, if you know me, is not like me. It's definitely an adjustment, but I feel like I'm getting some good exercise in. My first week at work has been awesome, and I am really learning a lot. I work in the trendy Meatpacking District on this cobblestone street:
I love it! It's awesome.
So that's all for now, but I'd like to thank all the fabulous people in my life who have sent me constant notes of encouragement: my family, my sweet boyfriend, and all of my friends. You know who you are! I wouldn't have made it up here without your support. Now come visit! (Also, I still need a place to live for November and December- open to all ideas)
P.S.- Remember how I said my roommate was an awesome designer? She was on the Nate Berkus Show (of Oprah fame) this morning showing off our apartment and her ballin' skills! Here's Hannah!