Oh man, for real where does the time go?! I'm serious. Whoever keeps speeding it up, give it back to me! All right, where did we leave off last time? Oh yes, not so little brother graduated and I headed to back the city again. I only had to wait a few days to see old friends again though, because Memorial Day was just around the corner, and my dear old Trail Maid Katie agreed to come celebrate in the city with me. She lives in Philly now, she it is so easy for us to go back and forth and see each other!

On Saturday morning, we decided to head to midtown to get student tickets (yes, we still use our student ID's all the time) to a Broadway show. We wanted to see Death of a Salesman with Andrew Garfield and Phillip Seymore Hoffman, but when we got in line (3 hours before the box office opened) the theater attendant told us that they had already given out wrist bands for tickets because people had been waiting in line since 11:30- THE NIGHT BEFORE. Ok, I love me some Broadway, but I've never heard of people doing this except for Saturday Night Live tickets (don't try it- you won't get in). Unless it's Brad Pitt on the stage, I'm not waiting all night long. And I might not even wait then. Anyway, we got coffee and traipsed around town to see if there were any other plays we would like to see. We ended up choosing The Best Man, starring James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury, Eric McCormick, Candice Bergen, and John Laroquette. Yes, they are all before our time (except for Eric- Will and Grace anyone?) but they are seasoned on the stage and were wonderful. It was Katie's first Broadway show ever! We had a great time.
I also forced Katie to go see the ships at Fleet Week with me. I'd always heard about it and I really wanted to check it out. Yall, it was HOT. I know I'm from south Alabama where it's really really hot during the summer, but this day here was HOT. We were drenched in sweat by the time we had finished touring a ship. But, it was really cool to see so many different ships in the harbor and we toured a carrier and the view of the city from the deck was amazing. (The sailors weren't so bad to look at either.)

The next day we walked down to church, as it was my Sunday to keep the nursery, and then had a fabulous pancake brunch at one of my favorite places on the Upper West Side. We decided to try for the Wicked lottery (Katie was bitten by the Broadway bug and was dying to see the show- as was I) and sadly did not win tickets. She had never been to FAO Schwartz before, so we walked across town to 5th Avenue and explored the famed toy store and the shops on the famed money pit street. After hours of this, our feet were killing and we were hot (yes, it was really hot again) so we decided we wanted to see Men in Black 3. We headed back over to the West side and ate dinner at this amazing little authentic Italian place. Our pasta was homemade and it was delicious. The movie was (to my surprise) really, really good. I definitely recommend going to see it. It's really different than the other two and answers some fundamental questions about the series. On Memorial Day, we packed up a lunch from Whole Foods and had us a little picnic in Central Park. There were a lot of people celebrating and it was a really relaxing way to end the weekend. I love when Katie comes to town!

The next week, I found myself bored on a Wednesday and decided to randomly check The Colbert Report's website to see if they had any tickets for the show left for the day. They had 1 left, and I was the lucky winner! I headed down to my old neighborhood (Hell's Kitchen) and picked up my ticket for the show. They needed one last person to sit on the front row, and as I was by myself, I was the lucky winner again! Yes, I was one of those people who got to high-five Stephen. It was really fun and truly something you can't randomly decide to do in the middle of the week anywhere other than New York. I also caught one of the wristbands he throws out at the beginning of the show, so I got a little souvenir. The whole thing ran really smoothly, and everyone was incredibly nice. Another experience I would definitely recommend!

Next up, two of my sorority sisters are living in New York this summer (Meredith and Virginia), and my good friend Jac Shealy came to visit, so we all went out for drinks and it was so good to see everyone and catch up! That weekend was filled with lots of really good food and great friend time!
I think this catches me up for now. I have some really exciting news coming up next week, and boyfriend is coming to town this weekend for our 2 year anniversary so I will have plenty to post next week! 3A has seen lots of visitors this month already, and we've got a lot more in store :)